Brawl Stars Tier List: March 2024

Welcome, Brawlers, to the latest tier list for Brawl Stars! With a diverse roster of characters, each with unique abilities, it’s important to know which Brawlers shine the brightest in the current meta. Whether you’re a fan of close combat, long-range sniping, or support roles, there’s a Brawler for every playstyle. Let’s dive into the tiers:

S Tier: The Powerhouses

These Brawlers dominate the battlefield and are top picks in almost any game mode.

  1. Max: With incredible speed and a useful support Super, Max remains a top pick. Her ability to boost allies’ speed and unload quick shots makes her a formidable force.
  2. Sandy: A well-rounded Brawler with solid damage and a game-changing Super. Sandy’s ability to create sandstorms can turn the tide of battle in seconds.
  3. Sprout: This plant-based Brawler offers strong area denial and control with its walls and damaging attacks. In the right hands, Sprout is a nightmare for opponents.

A Tier: Reliable and Versatile

These Brawlers are consistently strong picks, offering versatility and impact in various situations.

  1. Belle: Known for her sharpshooting skills, Belle excels in control and damage output. Her Super can reveal hidden enemies, giving her team a crucial advantage.
  2. Byron: A versatile support Brawler with healing and damaging abilities. Byron’s ability to control the battlefield with his long-range attacks makes him a valuable asset.
  3. Stu: Stu’s speed and burst damage make him a deadly assassin in the right hands. His ability to quickly dash in and out of combat keeps opponents on their toes.

B Tier: Solid Choices

These Brawlers offer consistent performance and can be strong additions to any team composition.

  1. Jessie: A classic choice with her turret providing consistent pressure and control. Jessie’s bouncing shots can catch enemies off guard.
  2. Edgar: With his ability to leap into battle and deal massive damage up close, Edgar is a force to be reckoned with in close-range engagements.
  3. Buzz: A melee bruiser with high damage and a stun Super, Buzz excels at disrupting enemy formations and diving into the fray.

C Tier: Situationally Strong

While these Brawlers can shine in the right situations, they may require specific team compositions or maps to reach their full potential.

  1. Bea: A long-range sniper with powerful shots, Bea can control lanes and pick off enemies from a distance.
  2. Mortis: A tricky Brawler who excels at dodging and weaving through enemy attacks. Mortis can be a nightmare for squishy opponents.
  3. Colt: A classic sharpshooter with high damage potential, Colt is great for controlling lanes and dealing massive damage from afar.

D Tier: Niche Picks

These Brawlers can be effective in specific situations or team compositions but may struggle in general gameplay.

  1. El Primo: A close-range tank with high health, El Primo can soak up damage and disrupt enemy lines, but struggles against ranged opponents.
  2. Dynamike: Known for his explosive attacks, Dynamike can control areas with his area-of-effect damage, but requires precise timing and positioning.

F Tier: Less Effective Choices

While these Brawlers have their strengths, they often struggle to compete with other picks in the current meta.

  1. Poco: A support Brawler with healing abilities, Poco can keep teammates alive but lacks the impact of other support Brawlers.
  2. Shelly: A beginner-friendly Brawler with decent close-range damage, Shelly struggles against the mobility and range of other Brawlers.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of each Brawler can vary based on player skill, team composition, and the specific map or game mode. Experiment with different Brawlers to find the playstyle that suits you best, and remember to adapt to the ever-changing meta of Brawl Stars.

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