Graal Classic Coin Toss Quest | Illustrated Guide

Written By Light

Last updated Jul 24, 2021

Graal Classic Coin Toss Quest | Illustrated Guide

by | Graal Classic Quests, Graal Online, Graal Online Classic | 0 comments

The Coin Toss in GraalOnline Classic will enable you to access a secret room where you can get your Warp Ring and Map Satchel which are both essential items every Graalian needs. We will show you how to successfully complete this quest in an easy to follow step-by-step illustrated guide.


On the top left side of Destiny, where there are many Lizardons, you will come across a broken chapel. You will not be able to enter through the front entrance because it is blocked so you must go through the window on the left.


Now head closer to the large boulder in front of the priest, equip your bombs. Place a bomb on the boulder to blow it up and save the priest.


The priest is very appreciative of what you have done. Walk up to him and he will give you the Coin Toss as a reward for saving him.


The priest is very appreciative of what you have done. Walk up to him and he will give you the Coin Toss as a reward for saving him.


The Coin Toss can be found in the Quests Folder of your inventory.


Now that you have Acquired Coin Toss, you may wonder what you will need a Coin Toss for?

The Coin Toss is used to open a Secret Room where you can purchase the necessary items to complete two separate Quests. You can also sell certain types of Loot here.

The following guide will guide you on reaching this door and getting inside the store.

Right here at the Cave In Destiny, you will be able to use your coin toss and have access to a room with the Warp Crystal and the Map Satchel.


Walk inside this cave and go all the way to the top right until you see a metal door with the matching pattern as your Coin Toss.


Inside here, you will see the Map Satchel and the Warp Crystal which you can purchase. There are also a few other items you may buy if you’d like as well.


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