Graal Classic Gralats| The Best Ways to Earn Gralats

Written By Light

Last updated Jul 24, 2021

Graal Classic Gralats| The Best Ways to Earn Gralats

by | Graal Classic Gralats, Graal Online, Graal Online Classic | 0 comments

There are many ways to acquire the in-game currency called Gralats in Graalonline Classic. In this post we will cover all of these ways and recommend which way we think will work best.

Lets first start off with the type of Gralats you get.

Gralat Values

1-4 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Green
5-29 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Blue
30-99 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Red
100-499 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Gold
500-999 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Purple
1,000-4,999 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Black
5,000-9,999 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Cyan
10,000 Graal-Classic-Green-Gralat-Icon Rainbow

Guild House Farming Trick

  • where to purchase the materials we will need
  • The correct Guild house choice
  • How to create a Guild House Farm

Guild House Farming

You can obtain Gralats by cutting grass and bushes. One of the more efficient ways of farming grass is done in “Guild Houses” in order to use this Farming Trick you will first need to purchase a Guild House.

Daily Bounty

In my opinion, the daily bounty can sometimes be a waste of time. Like, let’s say for instance you get “Snakes” as your bounty. I would not go and waste my time doing that. I would rather Guild house farm or loot. But if my bounty were to be Rebel soldiers, I can easily do that in no time. You can find out more about the Daily bounty and all the different kinds of baddies and Special Baddies by checking out our post here.


Looting would seem like one of the easier tasks since all you have to really do is use your flippers in the water enough times to gather loot and then sell what you’ve found for Gralats. But the truth is many people don’t actually know where to sell the loot. They just give everything to Elster and lose out on a lot of Gralats. You can find out exactly where to sell all your Loot here.

Looting Secrets

  • Best place to loot
  • Where to sell your loot
  • The best path to hitting all the NPC Locations

Bug Hunting

Alternatively, you can Bug Hunt for Gralats by selling them to a witch. I recommend you don’t really do this religiously but rather as you happen to see a bug you can hunt it down. If you’re interested in knowing the prices each type of bug goes for and how much can you get if you sell it on a day the Witch really really needs a specific type of bug. Just Click the link below.

Bug Hunting Secrets

  • Bug Prices
  • Witches Desperate Days
  • Types of Bugs

Daily Bounty Recommendations

  • which Bounties to take
  • The Best Places To Find Each Bounty
  • Special Baddies

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