Graal Classic Rat Morph Quest

Written By Light

Last updated Jul 24, 2021

Graal Classic Rat Morph Quest

by | Graal Classic Quests, Graal Online, Graal Online Classic | 0 comments

Here, we will direct you on how to get the Rat Morph on GraalOnline Classic. This is an important item to have as a Graalian for many reasons and this morph is fairly simple to obtain as well. Not to mention, it’s also free costing no gralats. Firstly, the best use out of this morph is to get into small holes that only a rat can fit into. Going into these holes you can find exclusive chest and areas to explore only with having this morph. Next, you can also troll people which is always fun. Since this morph is so tiny you can stand behind graalians and say random messages making it seem like they are the ones who are saying this. Make sure not to say anything foul, you might get banned but this is a fun prank you can pull on your friends.


This Screenshot below shows the Map location of Onnet Forest. You will need to get to this location first in order to get this rat morph


Once you are here, you will notice an NPC named Ryan, and an entrance way between these two trees. Enter here.


When you first enter, you will see 3 pathways. You will have to guess the correct pathway from these 3 options.

You will get closer to the witch who will give you the rat morph you desire.

At first, when you enter there will be 3 bushes placed. This notes you are farthest away from the witch a basically at the starting point.

By entering through these pathways you will either stay in this same location, be warped one room backward, or move forward, closer to the witch depending on which pathway you pick.

The pathway you will have to choose is different to each player, so you will just have to this by trial and error.

You basically have to rely on luck for this one


While choosing to enter one of these 3 entrance ways, you may see that there are only 2 bushes in this location. This means you are getting closer to where the witch is at. Now there are 3 possibilities from here. One of the entrance ways will lead you even closer to the witch, one of the entrance ways will keep you in the same place, and one entrance way will move you back where you began with the location having 3 bushes. Good lucking guessing which entry way to go through


If you notice there is one bush, this is good news meaning you’re even closer to finding the witch. As said before there are the same 3 possibilities of getting closer to the witch, farther, or staying in the same location.


This location with 0 bushes means that one of these entrance ways leads to the witches whereabouts. Now that you have made it this far, just remember to keep guessing between the 3 pathways until you find the correct one and you will make it to the witch soon enough.


If you’ve made it to this location where the witch is at, congratulations! Go speak to this witch and she will grant you your rat morph. Just walk out the back out once you’ve received your morph and you’re good to go.


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