GraalOnline Classic Status Customization

Written By Light

Last updated Apr 1, 2022

GraalOnline Classic Status Customization

by | Graal Online, Graal Online Classic | 1 comment

In the mood to change your Graal Profiles look? You’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll find all the codes you can use to make the profile of your character look unique and awesome!

GraalOnline Classic Text Editing

Changing the Font Face of your Text

You’d need to type the code below in your status before the text that you’d like to have a different Font.

 <font face=”triforce”>

Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want to change my name “Light Ohana” to a different font, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <font face=”Trebuc“> Light Ohana!</font>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!

Changing the Font Size of your text.

You’d need to type the code below in your status before the text that you’d like to have a different Font Size.

 <font size=”5″>

Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want to change my name “Light Ohana” to a different font size, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <font size=”25″> Light Ohana!</font>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is


Changing the Color of your Text

You’d need to type the code below in your status before the text that you’d like to have a different color.

 <font color=#ffffff>


The #ffffff code you see above is called a HEX Code. These Codes can be numbers or letters and each unique code will give you a different color. If you’d like to find Hex Codes for Various colors, you should consider checking out this color picker tool.


Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want to change my name “Light Ohana” to Red, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <font color=#842b2b> Light Ohana!</font>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!

Underlining your Text

You’d need to type the code shown below in your status for your text to display as underlined.



Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want my name “Light Ohana” to be underlined, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <u>Light Ohana!</u>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!

Using Italics in your Text

You’d need to type the code shown below in your status for your text to display in Italics.



Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want my name “Light Ohana” to be in Italics, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <i>Light Ohana!</i>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!

Crossing-out your Text

You’d need to type the code shown below in your status for your text to display as Crossed out/Slashed.



Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want my name “Light Ohana” to be Slashed/Crossed out, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <slash>Light Ohana!</slash>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!

Continuing your Text on a New Line

You’d need to type the code shown below in your status for your text to display in a new line.



Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want my name “Light Ohana” to be on a new line, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <br>Light Ohana!

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is

Light Ohana!

Centering your Text

You’d need to type the code shown below in your status for your text to display centered.



Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want my name “Light Ohana” to be centered and also on the next line, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is <br><center>Light Ohana!</center>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is

Light Ohana!

GraalOnline Classic Images in your Status

You can display images in your status on Graal Classic. Here’s how:

 <img src=”tree.png”>


Example: “Hello, My Name is Light Ohana!”

I want the tree image to display after my name Light Ohana, so this is what I’d have to type in my status:

Hello, My Name is Light Ohana! <img src=tree.png>

This will allow the text to display as…

Hello, My Name is Light Ohana! [image shows here]

The image displayed will be extremely huge though. we can fix this by changing the size of the image

GraalOnline Classic Image Sizing

You can change the size of the image displayed in your status. Here’s how:

Simply add this to the code we had previously.

width=50px height=50px


Hello, My Name is Light Ohana! <img src=tree.png width=50px height=50px>

This same image will be displayed, but a lot smaller, just change the values to suit your preference.

GraalOnline Classic All Status Images

Simply use the code from the section above, and replace the “tree.png” with your preferred image.

cookie.png pie.png Chest.png frog.png Tree.png sign.png Pinkheart.png Fire.gif Chicken_w.png cook.png safe.png superocto.gif milk.png lamp.png Bomb.png Gralats.png sign.png door.png ce_angelclan.png animoon.gif dead.png dead2.png reddragon.png arrow.png icon.png rain.png redflag2.png cannon.png stonegraal.png shock.gif distatue.png ci_ratnew.png monster.png wbomb2.png chick.png bigcow.png glove.png foxenstatue.png heart.png normalheart.png zombie.png safe.png bed.png kitty.png lamp.png candle.gif sardon.png icon_greenfrog.png icon_snowcloud-hat.gif shock.png classiciphone_chatbubble.gif icon_lightningcloud-hat.gif smoke.gif

GraalOnline Classic Display Guild Logo within your Status

You can display the guild picture of any guild in your status by using the following code snippet.

Simply change the word “ohana” to your own guilds name.

<img src=profilelogo_ohana.jpeg width=100 height=100>

Guild Logo Containing 2 Words

If your guild has 2 words within the name, you’ll have to use %032 in place of the space.

<img src=profilelogo_trouble%032maker.jpeg width=100 height=100>

GraalOnline Classic Status Backgrounds

You can change the background of your graal classic profile to display different colors or images.

If you’d like to display a Solid Color Background, then simply copy the code below.

You can change the color code by simply using this color picker tool.

<body bgcolor=#842b2b>

If you’d like the color to be Transparent or Translucent, then simply add parts of the word “center” directly after the Hex Code Color.

Inputting ce after the Hex Color Code will result in the color being most transparent.

While inputting the er will result in the least transparency.

only use 2 letters.


<body bgcolor=#842b2bce>

If you’ve found this post helpful, have any questions, suggestions, or problems at all, please feel free to comment below.

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1 Comment

  1. E.

    Well help me.
    There is no status button in my profile


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