Pixel Gun 3D: Best Melee Weapons (2021)
The Melee Weapons in Pixel Gun 3D are weapons used for close-ranged combat. Typically a Melee Weapon would not be a “shooting weapon”. These Melee Weapons mostly consist of knives, chainsaws, axes, swords, or other close-ranged sharp weapons.
#1. Ban Hammer
In Pixel Gun 3D, the Ban Hammer is something you’ll want to try out. This hammer is of Mythical Level! The best aspects of this weapon are its high mobility and its fast fire rate. Also, you should note that the Ban Hammer deals consecutive explosions straight towards the enemy which makes for great area damage. A downside to the Ban Hammer is the “Fixed Delay”.
#2. Spirit Staff
The Spirit Staff is a double-sided Melee weapon in a bright tomato-red color. This Spirit Staff Weapon is in the Legendary Class. When used, this staff has a special burning ability. High Mobility is guaranteed with this weapon! The Spirit Staff also has a wide range and great area damage. This weapon is known for efficiency in finishing off enemies that have low health.
#3. Heroic Epee
The Heroic Epee looks like a cyan sword with a bottle of poison. One of the best abilities of this weapon is its strong punch damage. Otherwise, there is also a high attack speed and great mobility with this weapon. Just like the spirit staff, this melee weapon is also great for finishing off enemies that have low health. The Heroic Epee has a lasting poison effect. Lastly, another benefit of this weapon is its Healing Area Attribute.
#4. Cthulhu Legacy
The Cthulhu Legacy Melee Weapon is an amazing melee to try out. This weapon is a Mythical type! Although the Cthulhu Legacy weapon has extremely high damage, the attack speed and mobility are a bit low for a melee weapon. Using the Cthulhu Legacy Melee is awesome while you’re in a duel.
#5. Bunny Smasher
The Bunny Smasher is a super cute Melee Weapon. There is an Angry Rabbit on both the Hammer and Shield part of this weapon. To add on, this adorable weapon is easter themed. The most unique parts of this weapon is its Block Gadgets and its Jumping Enhancements. Otherwise, this weapon has great mobility as well. A downside to the Bunny Smasher would be its “Fixed Delay”.
#6. Triple Bite
The Triple Bite Pixel Gun 3D Weapon is a strong weapon with a greek mythology themed design. This weapon has extraordinary area damage and is one of the best melees to use for area damage. You can potentially kill multiple players at once using this melee. The Triple Bite Melee is of Mythical level.
#7. Primal Cold
The Primal Cold is an Axe Melee weapon with ice on the weapon’s blade. This weapon is Mythical. After every 2 hits done with this melee, a super punch skill can be activated. The super punch ability does a large amount of area damage. Overall the Primal Cold has excellent attack speed and mobility. A downside to this weapon is its “Fixed Delay”. You are able to perform a 2 shot kill with the Primal Cold.
#8. One Punch Gauntlet
The One Punch Gauntlet is Anime Themed and does a large amount of damage! This weapon is of Mythical level. Although the weapon name has the words “one punch”, it sometimes will take up to 2 shots to kill an enemy with this melee. There is a super punch ability on this melee that can be activated at times. A downside to the One Punch Gauntlet is its “Fixed Delay”.
#9. Double Cashback
The Double Cashback Melee is a unique nunchuck style weapon. This weapon has a mobility of 100 making you extremely fast! Additionally, the Double Cashback is dual-wielded weapon. Using the Double Cashback in sneak attacks is a great strategy considering how fast this weapon is. This weapon is in the Mythical Class.
#10. Runic Hammer
The Runic Hammer is a beautiful weapon with a Fantasy Theme! This weapon is great for attacking players with low mobility. This Hammer does a great deal of damage but has low attack speed. This weapon is of Legendary Class.
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that looks cool